• Office Address: 52,Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 08091111485
  • 52,Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 08091111485

OluwaSeunFunmi Arasi

Get In Touch

OluwaSeunFunmi Arasi Is the YEF M/E officer. She studied Psychology as a first degree course and also holds masters degree in Public Health (Population and Reproductive Health Education) both from University of Ibadan. At YEF, she conducts regular visits to project sites to carry out process monitoring as well as gather feedback from the beneficiary community/school about the implemented projects and submit a detail report about the activities. She also compiles comprehensive final project evaluations report based on information retrieved from the database and field, draft project specific M&E plans/tools to be included in grant development and also coordinate with Programme staff to obtain field data pertinent to each indicator outlined in the project M&E plans. She Identifies and document success stories and case studies on extraordinary aspects of any YEF projects. She Supports the Programmes department in the collection of additional information from the field as required in projects.


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