• Office Address: 52,Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 08091111485
  • 52,Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 08091111485

Funmilayo Olayinka

Get In Touch

Funmilayo Olayinka is an Accountant who holds a Bsc degree in Accounting from Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria. She is also a master’s student at the University of Lagos, Nigeria in the department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences. She is a professional student of ICAN and have 2 years work experience in the Accounting field. Her accounting interest and specialty is Audit and Taxation. Funmilayo is currently the Admin and Finance Officer at YEF. She has a research interest in Pension Matters, Taxation and Audit. Also, she has a passion for young people and hope to build a society where love is shared.  As an Admin and account Officer, Funmilayo performs both Administrative and Accounting roles by providing administrative support and ensuring smooth operations of the organization. She Operates an effective inventory management system for various suppliers; vendors and donors. Parts of Funmi’s roles is establishing a fixed asset register for the foundation, maintaining all records for internal and external audits and working hand-in-hand with the external auditors to ensure prompt annual audits of accounts. Among other duties, she reports to the foundation’s Finance and Admin Manager, as well as the Executive Secretary.


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